Philly Lawyers Win Fair Compensation for Injured Victim in Difficult Limited Tort Rear-End Collision Case

Settlement Amount: Undisclosed

Type: Limited Tort Rear-End Collision Car Accident

Injuries: Neck and knee injuries

Location: Philadelphia, at a traffic light

Scenario: 2 cars in the policy, rear-end collision

Attorney’s Quote: “Do not worry if you only have limited tort, if the injuries are serious enough, you can overcome a limited tort issue.”



Less than 1 year

Client Satisfaction


Our client suffered a neck and knee injuries as a result of the accident.


An attorney at Kats Jamison and Associates who specializes in Limited Tort Car Accident cases worked diligently to reach a resolution. There were two cars in the policy and they worked diligently to get the policy limits of the person who was at fault for the accident. With the insurance company, they were able to stack both policies for the two uninsured motorists in the accident.

The Verdict + Settlement


If you or a loved one was harmed due to the negligemce of another driver or someone else,
Kats, Jamison & Associates is here to assist you.

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