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Information Regarding Bucks County Head-On Collisions
A head-on collision occurs when the front of one vehicle crashes into the front of another vehicle. These types of accidents are extremely dangerous due to the cumulative speed of both vehicles colliding from opposite directions. Head-on collisions are considered to be the most dangerous since they frequently occur when both vehicles are moving at high speeds and there is usually not much time for a driver react or slow down.
These collisions can be especially catastrophic if a large weight differences exists between the two vehicles. For example, if a tractor trailer crashes head-on with a small motor vehicle, the passengers of the smaller vehicle will likely suffer severe and or fatal injuries. No matter what the conditions are surrounding your car accident, a knowledgable and experienced Bucks County, head-on collision lawyer at Kats, Jamison & Associates can help you.
Common Injuries Sustained In Head-On Collisions
– Back and neck injuries
– Broken or fractured bones
– Burns
– Contusions
– Crushed limbs
– Damage to vital organs
– Head trauma
– Internal bleeding
– Lacerations
– Nerve damage/loss of sensation
– Skull or facial fractures
– Spinal cord injury
– Traumatic brain injury
Even though some of these injuries could feel relatively minor, such as a concussion, others injuries may be devastating and could leave victims of head-on car accidents with permanent disabilities. Victims of head-on collisions typically require emergency trauma treatment and hospitalization following such a sever car accident. In some cases, emergency surgery is required which can then lead to visits to specialists, the need for medical equipment, and physically therapy in order to recover for the sustained injuries. This can even mean needed long-term home care if a victim of a head-on collision becomes disabled. Furthermore, injured victims of head-on accidents may lose wages by not be able to work for extended periods of time. Lost financial potential could mean that victims and their families experience unnecessary hardship.
Negligent Causes Of Head-On Collisions
– Distracted driving
– Drag racing
– Drifting across a double yellow line
– Driving the wrong way
– Fatigued driving
– Impaired driving
– Improper passing
– Potholes or other dangerous road hazards
– Speeding too fast around a curve
– Tire blowouts or other defective auto parts
As these examples illustrate, negligence can be not only in part of another driver, but it could in part of a local government, an automobile part manufacturer, and any other party who contributed to the cause of the accident. Typically, these car accidents need deep investigative resources in order to clearly identify negligence. This may include conducting witness interviews, reconstructing accidents, and the collection of forensic evidence. With over 33 years of experience, our Law Firm has access to many resources needed in order to prove that your head-on collision is the result of negligence of another party.
Contact A Bucks County Head-On Collision Attorney For A Free, No-Strings Consultation
Please be advised regarding the statue of limitations in Pennsylvania. Victims of personal injury accidents only have two years from the accident date to file a personal injury claim. After two years has expired, your case will likely be dismissed and you will not be able to recover the damages you incurred. It often takes a significant amount of time to properly prepare for filing a personal injury lawsuit. For this reason, it is important to never wait to speak with an attorney regarding your car accident. Please do not delay in calling 215-596-9001 to discuss your case with Kats, Jamison & Associates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Philly Lawyers offers free case reviews so that you can better understand your legal options. This means you pay nothing for your first consultation. Additionally, Kats, Jamison & Associates works on a contingency fee basis meaning that if you do choose to hire us, you pay us nothing unless and until we win your case.
Our Greater Philadelphia Law Firm Has Won Many Accolades For Northeast Philadelphia, Bucks County And Montgomery County